Water bottles, extra socks, clean towels — a good gym bag wouldn’t be caught without at least one and, while a lot of us aren’t lugging around dedicated gym bags on commutes much these days, the gear itself is as important as ever. The right workout accessories can be just enough to give you that extra boost of confidence or performance that leads to a better workout, overall. And the good news about in or around home workouts? You’re always steps away from your entire exercise toolkit.
Here are four of our top favorite at-home workout essentials that everyone should keep close during their next sweat session.
Water Bottle
We’re not ones to be preachy but let’s get one thing straight: you probably aren’t drinking enough water. There’s almost no workout accessory more impactful to us than a good, solid water bottle, filled to the brim, and within arm’s length during every workout. You’re miles in, sweating, and feeling good but don’t get so wrapped up that you forget just how much your body needs that sweet, sweet hydration. Replenishment can legitimately assist you in going the extra mile and with aid with recovery afterward. Even beyond fitness, water can significantly improve your entire health profile and even your skin, for instance. And, if you’re one of the few that has your water game on check, you can always upgrade your H2O companion with a newer bottle that allows for things like more capacity, cold insulation, or even a ‘smart bottle’ that digitally measures your actual consumption (no more kidding yourself!).
Phone or Tablet Holder
Our phones have some pretty big responsibilities these days, huh? At any moment they are multitasking as our movie theatres, music players, office, game consoles, and fitness trainers. During these strange and sometimes demanding work-from-home times, we understand that sometimes you, too, have to just to multitask a bit during a workout. At home, whether on a cycling bike or treadmill, we absolutely recommend a solid and sturdy phone or tablet mount, allowing you to keep your workout hands-free, view activity data at a glance, or quickly pop into your email to see if that “URGENT” email from your boss is actually just that.
Clean Towel
Sweat is real, sweat is inevitable, sweating is good. No better companion to sweat than a nice clean towel. Since we all sweat differently, size is a factor you must consider when selecting a good workout towel. While some might gravitate towards a smaller, almost hand towel-like size, others might require or even prefer the comfort of a more, well, beach towel-size option – and that’s okay. Your towel is not only clutch in those quick wipe off moments after a ‘big hill’ but also serves as a great way to quickly wipe down your machines or mat at home once you’re done. Just because you’re not at a gym, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice solid cleanliness at home, especially right now. Remember to regularly wash or change out your workout towels as bacteria build-up is the last thing you need getting in the way of your next PR.
Bluetooth Speaker or Headphones
Whether you’re using CardioCast or another workout solution, you simply can’t depend on hearing your guided workout though your device’s small speakers – and that’s okay. One of the beauties of working out at home is the freedom to connect your workout audio to a Bluetooth speaker, allowing you to perfectly hear every single direction or music beat, allowing you to stay in the zone. Your partner or roommate needs some quiet time for that Zoom call while you’re looking to work out? No problem! Wireless headphones and earbuds are all but ubiquitous in the gym these days and there’s a good chance that some you already own – be it AirPods or Powerbeats – have some level of sweat protection (read: not waterproof) that will allow you to keep the silence in your home while still riding your butt off while the beat drops to you and only you.